10 Best Way To Organize Apps On Android

How to organize your apps are quit important as well, because you can’t just have so many apps on your phone not well organized. It is very Paramount that you design your phone’s screen display to look presentable.

Imagine having a Beauty Camera that takes a better picture than your own phone camera, would you ignore it? I doubt, if I were the one, I will make sure to download and install it on my android phone.

As time goes on, you get to discover more apps that will prove to come a lot more handy to your android device. Knowing the best way to organize apps on android is the only way out for you to prevent overcrowding.

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 Creative Ways To Organize Your Apps 

To prevent you devices from getting overcrowded with too many apps, it will be wise to know the Best way to organize apps on android. And mind you all this process are creative ways to organize your apps.

You can choose to invent tour own method entirely different from others, its always a matter of choice OK. That you put on your P-cap left sided doesn’t mean its the only way to always put on a P-cap, yours can be different.

I can choose to create a single folder and then create another subfolders in the major folder I initially created. From there I can choose on how to organize my apps to a way I deemed fit and different from others.

I can choose to arranged l apps alphabetically on android if you so wish to do so its not a big deal at all. All you need to do is to know which alphabet comes first before the other long as alphabetical arrangement is what you are after.

 Best Way To Organize Apps On Android 

An app folder category is of great importance, for someone looking for the best way to organize apps on android. You can choose to employ a particular method to your android home screen to get a desired results.

You can achieve all that by knowing how to drag an app or a file folder from its present location to a new different location. That is also very simple, in fact it is not regarded as an issue at all my dear friend.

You can also decide to employ a different pattern to set your phone’s screen display apps arrangement in a different manner. You can choose to set based on the apps use happen to make use of more often above others.

By doing so, you can just create a folder for your most frequently used apps and have all your often used apps moved in. That way you know that all apps in this very particular folder are your most frequently used apps.

As a creative ways to organize your apps, you can decide to select your most favorite apps and grouped them all together. Creating a folder and moving those apps and naming the folder will be a perfect plan to begin with.

You can choose to follow your phone’s themed format to arrange and organize your apps to have a very nice screen display. Having apps disorganized on your phone is not a good idea at all as it is time wasting when searching.

 Why Do You Want To Organize Your Apps 

Hm… Imagine someone asking you why do you want to organize your apps on your phone or computer. Is that even a reasonable question? Why won’t I arrange my phone’s app to a better taste of my choice?

Have you ever taken note of this; some just walk up to you with his phone requesting that you please help him change his phone storage? If you are not careful, you might end up calling the owners attending to show you where the setting icon is.

Its not because you don’t know how to operate a am or don’t know how to read and understand that this is the setting icon. But because the app folder category was not designed by you so you can’t just go straight to it at once.

Do you see why its very important that it is best for you to know how to organize your apps on your device. It will be a user friendly device to only you and you alone, while others find it hard to locate even a music folder.

I can choose to arrange apps alphabetically on android and yet make it hard for others that does not own it. So only I can easily move in, locate a file or an apps with just a single attempt cuz I made the arrangement.

 Arrange Apps Alphabetically Android 

To arrange apps alphabetically on android is one of the most known and best way to organize apps on android. Its quite simple to do so as long as you have been to nursery school and know your ABCD count.

There are few things you need to know how to do when you want to make a successful android home screen. I will be listing them to you right away so as to have a clear and better picture of what am talking about.

Must know facts to be able to arrange apps alphabetically on android phones;

  • Most know your alphabetical counts(A to Z)
  • Most know which one cone next after another
  • Most know how to create a folder
  • How to drag a folder from one location to another
  • How to navigate an app from one home screen to another

With the knowledge of the above mentioned, you can easily create an army of well arranged apps alphabetically on android. You can do so at any given point of a time regardless of the smartphone you are given to do so.

You can as well decide to choose a more easy way from the home screen by tapping the Menu button on the screen. There is a this left soft key, tap on it and then tap the Sort menu and from the list you can select Alphabetical.

By doing so, you can sound the alphabetical arrangement of apps as one of the best way to organize your apps on android. As you can see its not that difficult, is it? This is one of the cute ways to organize your apps.

 Organize Apps On iPhone Automatically 

To organize apps on iPhone automatically goes almost hand in hand with that of an android phone as well. It is not that so different as it is equally a smartphone just that its software designed is a bit advanced to an android.

But that does mean the mode of operation, settings and as well how to organize your apps is completely different. Well, in case you are having a very confusing thoughts over the whole issue, am here for you OK.

Just that an iPhone has an app library where almost all automatically arrangement of apps are done categorically. Knowing this, you won’t have to pressure yourself on how do you arrange your apps for it helps you a lot with that.

With all this done for you automatically, all you need to do is to build on from there which is no longer as issue. Besides all the foundational brain work has been laid out already for you, so its left for you to just bend it to your taste.

It is quite easy to get it done almost entirely and automatically without you having to do a thing by yourself guy. I have just a few steps which is quiet simple and very short and precise, long as you are interested.

Here are the few things you need to know and should do to get an automatic app arrangement on you iPhone;

  • Locate and Tap on your setting icon
  • Navigate and Tap on general settings
  • Go straight to reset and Tap again
  • Finally reset your home setting layout

Knowing this few steps comes a lot more handy and useful than you will ever think of when it comes to arranging apps automatically on iPhone. Hope you will take note of what I just shared with you for it is very important.

 Best Way To Organize iPad Apps 

There are no doubt some recommended best way to organize iPad apps so far that I will be highlighting out to you my friend. Its no different from that of an iPhone of which I know you should be having an idea over it by now.

But so far so good about best way to organize iPad apps, the best recommended way to do so is by grouping them in folder. That is a lot more easier to access and make good use of than any other way you could possibly think of.

Its no big deal to have a file folder cuz I have not only mentioned but also talked about it if you could still remember. I said something about creating a file and moving your apps into the file on your android home screen.

Well not withstanding, am still going to ironed out that related to iPads specifically to you right away witut hesitation. It is important you know this to have a better view on how app folder category works more effectively.

Here are the important steps you will need to note down;

  • To create a home screen, you will have to tap and hold onto an app.
  • To create a folder, you will need to drag an app onto another app.
  • Drag other apps into the folder to have more than just two apps folder.
  • You can rename the app folder by long tapping on the app folder.

By following the above mention short steps which happens to be the best way to organize iPad apps, you will be fine. All randomly scattered apps on your home screen will now have an organized arrangement pattern.


There are some few number of arrangements that are recommended as one of the best way to organize apps on android. I will be giving you a hint on them before the end of this article so just be a bit patient.

Android phones are devices designed and developed to work even more better with the help of some certain apps. Apps are quite an important factors that helps you to explore your android phones full capacity at all times.

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