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Pokemon Omega Ruby Rom Download For Zip PC

Pokémon omega ruby rom is a remake of the a famous games, Pokémon Ruby is a game of the sixth generation of Pokémon. The background and story of the game have not changed compared to the original version.

In the beginning you will move with your mother to Hoenn because your father was recruited and worked here. While exploring around you come across Professor Birch and save him from a wild Pokémon, from where you get a starting Pokémon and start the journey to find more Pokémon.

Join the game pokemon omega ruby rom you will be able to choose the appearance of your character including gender, skin color, outfit, etc. There are many types of wild Pokémon that appear scattered in the map, you can catch them by weaken them then use Poké Ball.

 Download Pokemon Omega Ruby 

Pokemon omega ruby rom download tutorial:

  1. Click the “Download Pokemon Omega Ruby” button below.
  2. Open the File “Pokemon Omega Ruby PC Downloader” and install it.
  3. Open the 64bits or 32 bits launcher.
  4. Done.

Must Read

Click the first button below or try one of the alternate mirror links

Server 2:
Primary Download (23.1 MB – Not Ads – pkmnerlink)

—If The Link above isn’t working, You can try to use a link below, no password—

Primary Download(23.1 MB – Not Ads – up-4ever)

 Installing pokemon omega ruby 

  • You must be on Luma3DS version 7.0 or higher. Any 3DS can install this by following Plailect’s 3DS Hacking Guide.
  • Download and unzip the 7z file for the version and Build you want to play.
  • Hold SELECT while booting your 3DS to open the Luma configuration menu.
  • Make sure “Enable Game Patching” is on, and press START to save the setting.
  • Copy the luma folder from the download to the root of your 3DS SD Card.
  • Launch Pokemon Omega Ruby rom. It will be modified. An easy way to tell you did it right is the logo on the title screen, or Brendan/May’s new outfits.

 Pokemon Omega Ruby Rom 

  • File Name : Pokemon Omega Ruby
  • File Size : 15GB(Game)
  • Platform:   PC
  • Filehost:   boxhilade
  • Estimate download time: 10min – 6h

 Features of Pokemon Omega 

Pokemon omega ruby rom game features the following:

  1. Single-Player
  2. Multi-Player
  3. Fast Installation
  4. No Errors
  5. All Game Features
  6. No Virus
  7. Working in any operation system

The premier feature of Pokemon omega Ruby rom is the ground-up redesign of Pokémon Trainers in the world to increase the game’s challenge. Every trainer in the game has been edited and the level curve expects use of the Experience Share which means that you level up very quickly. You should be hitting Level 100 by the time you get to the Elite Four.

The secondary focus of pokemon is to function as a sort of “20XX Hack Pack” where everything obtainable is 100% legal for real online battles and some features are designed to make preparing competitive teams much less of a hassle.

 Pokemon Omega Ruby Emulator Download 

The troubled tale begins with Zinnia, a young woman who bears a certain destiny. The story includes appearances from Team Magma and Team Aqua, Steven, Gym Leader Wallace, and other familiar faces. Don’t miss the conflict between Rayquaza and Deoxys.

In Pokémon Omega Ruby rom, you can team up with Latios. Partway through your adventure you will become able to fly in the sky on the backs of these Legendary Pokémon. Gaze down over the wide Hoenn region as you fly freely wherever you wish.

Among the destinations you can fly to are very special locations called Mirage spots. In Mirage spots you may be able to obtain valuable items or find Legendary Pokémon and other rare Pokémon omega ruby rom that cannot be found elsewhere in the region.

Pokemon Omega Ruby rom is the newest remake version of Pokemon Ruby. It is the second Generation VI Pokemon Games of Game Freak after Pokemon X and Y. Nintendo and Game Freak want to bring their GameBoy Advance games to their 3DS system with a better gaming experience.

 Pokemon Omega Ruby Rom Release Date 

Pokemon Omega Ruby rom Release Date is exactly on November 21, 2014 in Japan and North America. You can play it only on the Nintendo 2DS/3DS platform. Nintendo announced the first news of these games on May 7, 2014 via a teaser trailer.

GAMEPLAY: In these remake versions, the main Pokemon Omega Ruby rom gameplay is almost the same as Pokemon Ruby with legendary Groudon & Kyogre. But some points of the story are modified to bring new feelings. You should wait for the release date to know that. There are a lot of new mini-missions that make you feel interesting and novelty.

At the beginning of the game, you will make a decision to choose one of Pokemon Omega Ruby rom Starters to have an adventure with you. They are Treeko, Mudkip, Torchic like Pokemon Ruby.

One of the important points is the brand new Mega Evolutions. Mega Evolutions were never in any Pokemon Games before even in Pokemon X & Y. Now the legendary Pokémon Groudon & Kyogre called as Primal Reversion.

 Update Installation for Pokemon Omega 

  • once you download you will get the file in .cia format
  • Next, you will have to launch your Citra launcher.
  • Now click on Install CIA..
  • then locate your file
  • click on open and the file will be installed in Citra.
  • after the update you might see a small version number on the bottom of the icon of the game.

 Pokemon Omega For PC 

Pokémon Omega Ruby rom PC Download recover the best of the original game on Game Boy Advance at the time that incorporates the new features found in more recent deliveries. Nintendo continues revitalized the original Pokémon games on the new platforms.

Since Game Boy became red and blue on one side to Game Boy Advance and gold and silver Nintendo DS. Now it’s the turn of next on the list, the first of Game Boy Advance, Ruby and Sapphire.

It was not a big jump on seen on previous deliveries, although the continuity style is something that has always characterized the series. The main improvements were focused mostly in the visual part, given the greater power of the new portable.

Although it introduced some additional mechanical beyond combat as the Pokémon omega ruby rom contests or the harvesting of berries. All that again but as custom is a Game Freak has not dedicated only to improve the graphics but on the basis of the original game has added all the innovations that have been integrated into subsequent deliveries.

In any case there is no doubt that the big change in this new version enters the eyes. Pokemon omega ruby rom for pc and was the first series in portable fully in 3D, with what that means, not only polygons in screen but use a more free camera and some more advanced models.

 Pokemon Omega Ruby Download PC 

This same engine is used in pokemaon Omega Ruby rom, completely changing the vision we had of the Hoenn region although the mapping is actually more or less intact. Many will remember that it is the region with the highest proportion of navigable area given the duality of the Pokemon on cover.

The world is much more vivid and lively and small details make it more credible since the birds that fly over us when we walk along the coast to the coaches turn to talk with us or that when you chat with someone sitting at the table our character does the same.

The motor also helps to better integrate the history since have been introduced cinematic where you can see the characters express themselves in more detail further than the dialogues that are as always, posted. Pokemon Omega Ruby rom Download PC Version!

Pokémon Omega Ruby rom Download PC includes attractions for you. For which seek return to Hoenn is will find the stage as never before with graphic three-dimensional and an appearance much more film.

Changes in the visual will be the main innovations that were added in the series, from fighting per couple to the megaevoluciones. The interface touch is also a great helps and is has redesigned to be more practical and accessible that never.


Play Pokemon Omega Ruby rom emulator game online in the highest quality available. Pokemon Omega Ruby is a Gameboy Advance game that you can enjoy on Play Emulator. This GBA game is the US English version that works in all modern web browsers without downloading. Pokemon Omega Ruby is part of the Pokemon Games, RPG Games, and Adventure Games you can play here. PlayEmulator has many online retro games available including related games like Pokemon X and Y, Pokemon Fire Red Version, and Pokemon Emerald Version.

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