Free internet vpn trick for android Welcome my people, learn vpn free browsing for android, in this article today i will be disclosing to you a brand new secrete trick to browse the internet and your social media for free, i mean totally free, sounds good right? yes of course it is good.
I am writing this article to help anyone reading this to have free access to the internet even without having a single internet data with the help of vpn free browsing for android.
I call this trick the vpn free browsing for android 2021 because we will be achieving this with the help of droid free VPN app.
I will be taking you step by step by the hand and show you everything you need to know about the droid vpn free internet and the configuration procedure in order to enjoy the free internet on android without data plan.
Table of Contents
What Use Vpn
NOTE:- No VPN app or software gives you any access to free internet, the work of a VPN is to mask your browsers location or address thereby giving you an almost unrestricted access to contents on the internet despite the restrictions that are country based (Free internet vpn trick for android).
The VPN app gives you an extra layer of security as your personal information about you and your browsing session would not able to be intercepted by anyone by any means easily which implies that you will be surfing the internet with vpn trick undetected and connecting to whatever saver you ever wish too connect to.
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Free Internet vpn Trick for Android 2021
Vpn App is needed for Vpn free browsing for this free internet on android without data plan because we will be connecting to some secrete servers that grants us the free passage to the internet without data and enjoy best free unlimited vpn for android.
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We want to connect the servers undetected to the server’s ISP, and the reason we want this connection to be undetected is because if the server’s ISP detects any unusual activity it will automatically fix the error and block the patch part of the server that allow the latest free browsing cheat for android.
I hope i have being able to clear your minds now about why we are using best free unlimited vpn for android in order to achieve this vpn free browsing for best Free internet vpn trick for android.
Now am about to go into the main settings and configuration procedure on how to get access to free internet on android phones. But then in order for you make it successful i will like you follow and do exactly what i am about to ask you to do to start enjoying best free unlimited vpn for android.
Firstly i want you to make sure to read this article till the end because that is the only to do and get it right and start enjoying the privilege that you have being missing out and orders have being enjoying and are still enjoying minutes by minutes and secondly simply follow my steps and do exactly what i ask you to. Without anymore talk let us go into the step by step configuration.
Overview of Droid VPN Free Browsing for Android
Droid VPN, is a Philippines-based vpn provider for basically Android users and a bite of pc users too. Droid vpn app is an app that helps you to bypass ISP inspection thereby providing you an unrestricted access to online contents and allowing you to connect various servers undetected to have free vpn settings for android phones and vpn free browsing for android.
How to download Droid Free internet vpn trick for android
- You can download the Droid vpn app from the official site HERE after you have finish downloading. Then install the droid vpn on your phone. Just like other normal app you download from playstore and other app store. Now after installation the droid free vpn is ready to be configured and then boom enjoy free internet on android without data plan.
- Create an account by providing the necessary information required such as your name, password. You want to use and email, if you do not have an email click here to learn how to create an email.
- Now after successfully creating the droid account you will have to simply login to your droid account. Starting the configuration process for the vpn free browsing for android using the droid vpn. Immediately after logging in follow the guides below to complete the configuration setting on the droid vpn app for vpn free internet hack.
How to configure droid vpn for Airtel free internet trick
To configure this droid vpn app for free internet on android without data plan you have 2 choice of configuration. Either TCP or UDP configuration process depending on your choice.
Version 1 configuration for droid vpn free internet
TCP configuration settings for Airtel free internet trick is the easiest choice of configuration setting for free droid vpn free internet.
- After logging in with your username and password
- Click on the menu button at the top right corner of the app
- Then click on setting which is the number sixth option after update.
- Now click on the TCP AND HTTP option a new page will open.
- Click on the SET HTTP Headers and input the HTTP host protocol
- HOST: X-Online-Host:
- Now close the droid vpn app and reopen it.
- Select any free server and click the START button and wait for it to connect within 3-5 seconds.
And boom now start enjoying the unrestricted access to free internet trick using the vpn free browsing for android 2021 with droid app.
Version 2 Configuration for Free Internet vpn Trick for Android
UDP configuration settings for Airtel free internet trick.
- Open and launch the app on your phone and click on the menu button at the top right corner of the app, then click on setting which is the number sixth option after update.
- Now click UDP settings and then input your UDP configuration port as 9201 and your remote UDP port as 9201 and local UDP port as 9201.
- Now close the droid vpn app and reopen it, then select any free server and click the START button and wait for it to connect within 3-5 seconds and boom now start enjoying the unrestricted access to free internet trick using the vpn free browsing for latest free browsing cheat with droid vpn app.
Can you believe it? you are now a guru in setting and configuring the droid vpn app for free internet access. Without spending a single money and now you can and are allowed to have an unrestricted access to all content online.
Surf the internet from any country of your choice undetected without sharing your identity with anyone. Enjoy having an additional layer of security to you privacy, location and address. Finally you now can enjoy free internet on android without data plan using the free droid free vpn setting for android.
Now you can enjoy free internet access after completing any of the above configuration setting. For the droid vpn settings for free internet on android without data plan. I hope this information i have provided have served the purpose of vpn free browsing for android.
Best Free Internet vpn Trick For Android
Please do not forget to use the share button below to share this useful information with your loved once and please feel free to use the comment section to ask any question if you find anything hard to understand in the process enjoy your free vpn settings for android phones with Free internet vpn trick for android.