How to Hide Text Messages on Android 2021

Am sure you are reading this because you want to know how to hide text messages on android. Hope i guessed right? well that that was not a guess i just knew you either want to know how to find hidden text messages on android or other wise.

I understand privacy is very important in every circle of life and in everything we do. It is very very annoying whenever someone grabs your phone and jumps to your inbox for reasons you can’t even tell.

 How to Hide Text Messages on Android 

Even though you are clean you it is not still right for someone to just jump to sms just be cause they want to. Deleting massages is not also a solution because you will definitely forget to delete someday.

The best way to How to hide text messages on android and avoid problems is why this article is written. Everything you will learn in the article is free just download the apps and get started.

Either ways, in his article you will learn about app to hide texts and calls android and hide text messages app. You will also learn how to hide text messages on android lock screen and from girl friend.

 How to Hide text Messages on Android Without App 

Here are some simple tips and tricks you can use to hide text messages on android phones without third party apps. This method does not need you downloading any third party apps all is done with default apps.

 This are methods to hide text messages 

  • Mark Sender as Spam
  • Encrypt Messages
  • Disable pop-up and Messages Preview on Lock screen
  • Archive text messages
  • Use App Freezer
  • Use Private Message Box

The following methods have been proven to be very effective in hiding text message on android devices. I will show you how to go about all the methods one after the other.

People hide messages for different reasons, maybe from your girlfriend, your parent, from surprises. For message i cheat sometimes so i hide my bank statement text message from peoples eye so that nobody can know how much i have in the bank.

Lolz where waiting for me to say i cheat on my girlfriend, oh sorry you won’t here that from me. I don’t cheat the way you think but if you are cheating i will help you with app to hide texts and calls android to save your ass from getting caught.

Now lets go into the main reasons why you are reading this article. In the next paragraph so site tight pay close attention as you read and understand this article.

Must Read

 Mark Sender as Spam How to Hide text Messages on Android 

Making a particular contact as spam is a good method to hide text messages on android. This was my favorite android default extension to hiding my little secrete from the world.

This method although is not available on all android phones above the android 5.5 Lollipop. But if you are lucky and your phone, has this functionality then lets get started.

The method is simple and it does not actually need any technical skills to get it done. Just follow the guide below to get started and mark someone as spam today

  • Head to your phone default message app
  • Tap on the app to Open it
  • After opening it, look to your top left corner
  • You will see a 3 dots (…)
  • Click it for options
  • You will see the option that says mark message as spam
  • Now click the option and the sender you want mark as spam

Voalaaaaaaaaaaa that was simple right? yes it was and you have just successfully added one person to spam. I guess you are thinking of how to read the message secretly now right, i will teach you that too.

When you want to read any message sent by the person, just go to you message and select spam message, all your sms chats will be there. The only bad side of marking as spam is that anyone that knows this trick can still access your messages without permission.

Next is another method used to hide text messages on android phones.

 How to Find Hidden Text Messages on Android 

How to find hidden text messages on android is not a hard task to complete. All you have to do, is follow the same process you have used to hide it.

For example if a message was hidden using the archive function, then to find the text message is to go to the archive file. And if the text message was pass worded with a third party app then all you have to do is open the app and put the password.

You see finding a hidden message is not really a hard task perform.

 Encrypt Messages To Hide Text Message on Android 

Encryption means pass wording, so encrypting your messages means pass wording your message. This method is the best and stress free of coarse, it does not need new technical skills either on how to hide text messages on android.

I don’t know to say this better but this feature is not available by default on all androids either. If you are using a Gionee p5W or Mini or Samsum galaxy X and Iphone 6 then this features are available for you.

The encryption feature enables you to Hide your text message on android with your phone luck. So it means your phones luck is same as your Hidden text messages luck, For example your phone luck is 12345 then your message luck too will be 12345.

If you want to hide text message with the encryption option, follow the steps below to get started shortly

  • Open your phones message box
  • Click on the message you want to encrypt
  • Long press on the message
  • After 2-3 second an option will open at the top
  • Click on the encrypt message option and that is all

You can repeat that same process on all other senders you want hide there text massages. The process is free and simple but someone knows your phone’s luck then he or she will be able to open your message.

Checkout the next option if your phone does not support this feature.

 Disable pop-up and Messages Preview on Lock Screen 

If you phones message pop-up message left enabled anyone can read your message without permission. Your private message, will be displayed right on the screen without protection.

This function is a kind of security option by default it enabled but you can disable it. So what am going to teach you here is how to hide it because we don’t people to see us stack.

 How to Hide Text Messages on Android Lock Screen by Disabling Message Preview 

  • Open your Android Settings
  • Go to the Privacy section
  • Look for the option that says On lock screen. Tap it, and select Hide sensitive content
  • If you’re running previous Android versions, go to Security & Location under settings
  • Tap on the Lock screen preferences under the Device security section
  • Now, click On lock screen and select Hide sensitive content

It will hide the message preview on lock screen, and nobody will be able to read your private texts without unlocking your phone.

 Archive Text Messages How to Hide Text Messages on Android 

Archiving text messages works well if don’t want to delete, spam, encrypt messages. This method does not involves installing any third party apps on your phone, it is by default.

A text messages is more like spamming a sender but in this case you will not be notified of new message. Seriously i will tell the truth is that archiving message is a wise step if you really want to hide text messages on android to how to hide text messages on android.

When you archive a text message it goes to hiding for the main time but comes back out later. When the archived sender sends a new message the old message comes back out, which is not good for business.

If you want archive a text message the guide below will show you the step by step process

  • Open your default message app
  • Scroll through your messages
  • Long press on the message you want archive
  • At the top you will see an option to mark as archive
  • Click on the archive option
  • Automatically the message goes to massage archive file

That was it, you have just successfully archived your first message. If you still have more messages to archive then just follow the same procedures again and you are safe.

Now we have seen various methods to of how to hide text messages on android by default. We have also learn how to find hidden text messages on android all by using default android apps.

Now you will learn how to hide text message on android phone with third party apps. Using third party apps means that we will have download apps either from play store or any app store.

 Apps to Hide Text Message on Android and Iphone 

Apps to hide text message on Iphone or android are many but i will pick only 2 or 3 and explain them. This

Following are some of the most popular apps used to hide text messages if you wan to know about how to hide text messages on android.

  1. Block SMS And Call
  2. dr.fone – iOS Private Data Eraser
  3. Shady Contacts
  4. Private Message Box
  5. Hide SMS
  6. Private Space – Hide SMS and contact
  7. Vault

 Private SMS & Call Hide Text Message On Android 

Private SMS and app is one wonderful app that creates a new space on your phone. The app creates a new space where your private contacts and sms will received and sent out too and how to hide text messages on android.

The app is cool that you can even hide the icon of the app. This will make it look as if the app never even existed on your phone so there would be no suspicion.

Good news for you, with all this features, the app is still free. So don’t worry all you have to do is to download, install and setup the app to start enjoying the features.

 Vault-Hide SMS 

This is a very commonly used app among android phone users. Most don’t know Vault hide sms has the feature to hide text messages in the app to.

Are surprised? oh you too don’t know the app can be used to hide text message on android. Well let me tell you Vault app to hide texts and calls android.

What the app does is that it allows users to create a secure password to lock selected app on your phone. Thank God the app is free to use so you don’t have to worry about making any payment.

 Conclusion How to hide text Messages on Android 

For now that is all about how to hide text messages on android phones by default and third party app. If you have any questions please you the comment box to as and don’t forget to share please.

If you are still confused about anything concerning how to hide text messages on android Please do use the comment box to ask and we will reply as soon as possible.

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