How To Text an Email On iPhone

How to text an email on iphone, you configure your e-mail account directly on your iPhone with a series of taps. Apple has been kind enough to insert the technical stuff needed to access some of the most used e-mail services.

For the following e-mail services, you need to have your e-mail address and password handy:

  • iCloud
  • MS-Exchange
  • Google Mail
  • Yahoo!
  • AOL
  • com

Add an email account to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, There are two ways you can set up an email account in the Mail app on your iOS device — automatically or manually. Learn which option is best for you. How to text an email on iphone.

 How to Set up Your Email Account Automatically 

If you use an email provider like iCloud, Google, or Yahoo, Mail can automatically set up your email account with just your email address and password. Here’s how:

  1. Go to Settings > Passwords & Accounts.
  2. Tap Add Account, then select your email provider.
  3. Enter your email address and password.
  4. Tap Next and wait for Mail to verify your account.
  5. Choose information from your email account, like Contacts or Calendars.
  6. Tap Save.
  7. If you don’t see your email provider, tap Other to add your account manually.

 How to Set up your Email Account Manually 

If you need to set up your email account manually, make sure that you know the email settings for your account. If you don’t know them, you can look them up or contact your email provider. How to text an email on iphone, then follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings > Passwords & Accounts.
  2. Tap Add Account, tap Other, then tap Add Mail Account.
  3. Enter your name, email address, password, and a description for your account.
  4. Tap Next. Mail will try to find the email settings and finish your account setup. If Mail finds your email settings, tap Done to complete your account setup.
  5. Is your email account set up? Learn more about using the Mail app on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.

Must Read

Enter account settings manually

  • If Mail can’t find your email settings, then you need to enter them manually, how to text an email on iphone. Tap Next, then follow these steps:
  • Choose IMAP or POP for your new account. If you aren’t sure which one to choose, contact your email provider.
  • Enter the information for Incoming Mail Server and Outgoing Mail Server. Then tap Next. If you don’t have this information, try to look it up or contact your email provider.
  • If your email settings are correct, tap Save to finish. If the email settings are incorrect, you’ll be asked to edit them.
  • If you still can’t set up your email account or save your email settings, contact your email provider.
  • Use the Mail app on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch Use the Mail app to write, reply to, and organize your email on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.
  • Before you begin
  • Make sure that you have your email account set up on your device.

Move between your mailboxes

By default, your email account has a few different mailboxes — like Inbox, Sent, Trash, and more. When you open the Mail app, you’ll see a list of the email accounts that you have set up on your device. Just tap the email account that you want to view, or tap your account name in the upper-left corner to go back to all your mailboxes.

Write an email, how to text an email on iphone:

  1. Open the Mail app.
  2. Tap the email account that you want to use.
  3. Tap the compose button . Then enter an email address and subject line.
  4. Write your email.
  5. Tap the send button .
  6. You can swipe down on the email draft to put it at the bottom of the screen while you look at another email message. Just swipe down from the grey line at the top, and drag it to the bottom. To open the draft, just tap it again.

Add attachments to an email on iPhone, how to text an email on iphone:

In the Mail app , you can attach photos, videos, scanned documents, and more to an email.

Attach a document to an email

You can attach a saved document to an email.

  • Tap in the email where you want to insert the document, then tap the Expand Toolbar button in the format bar above the keyboard.
  • Tap the Insert Attachment button above the keyboard, then locate the document in Files.
  • In Files, tap Browse or Recent at the bottom of the screen, then tap a file, location, or folder to open it.
  • Tap the document to insert it into your email.
  • You can also drag a file to your email to attach it to the email.

Insert a saved photo or video, how to text an email on iphone:

  • Tap in the email where you want to insert the photo or video, then tap the Expand Toolbar button in the format bar above the keyboard.
  • Tap the Insert Photo Toolbar button in the format bar, then locate the photo or video in the photo selector.
  • You can swipe up to see more images.
  • Tap the photo or video to insert it into your email.
  • Take a photo or video to insert into an email
  • Tap in the email where you want to insert the photo or video, then tap the Expand Toolbar button above the keyboard.
  • Tap the Take Photo or Video Toolbar button above the keyboard, then take a new photo or video.
  • Tap Use Photo or Use Video to insert it into your email, or tap Retake if you want to reshoot it.

 Scan a document into an email, how to text an email on iphone: 

  1. Tap in the email where you want to insert the scanned document, then tap the Expand Toolbar button above the keyboard.
  2. Tap the Scan Document Toolbar button above the keyboard. How to text an email on iphone:
  3. Position iPhone so that the document page appears on the screen—iPhone automatically captures the page.
  4. To capture the page manually, tap the Take Picture button or press a volume button. To turn the flash on or off, tap the Show Flash Settings button.
  5. Scan additional pages, then tap Save when you’re done.

To make changes to the saved scan, tap it, then do any of the following:

  • Crop the image: Tap the Crop button.
  • Apply a filter: Tap the Show Filter Settings button.
  • Rotate the image: Tap the Rotate button.
  • Delete the scan: Tap the Delete scan button.

 Mark up an attachment, how to text an email on iphone: 

  1. You can use Markup to write or draw on a photo, video, or PDF attachment.
  2. In the email, tap the attachment, then tap the Markup button.
  3. Using the drawing tools, draw with your finger.
  4. When you’re finished, tap Done.
  5. See Draw in apps with Markup on iPhone.
  6. An image in a Markup window. Below the image, from left to right, are buttons for the Markup tools: drawing pens, eraser, selection tool, colors, and buttons for adding a text box, your signature, and shapes, and for choosing the Magnifier.

 Draw in your email, how to text an email on iphone: 

  1. Tap in the email where you want to insert a drawing, then tap the Expand Toolbar button above the keyboard.
  2. Tap the Markup button in the format bar.
  3. Choose a drawing tool and color, then write or draw with your finger.
  4. See Draw in apps with Markup on iPhone.
  5. When you’re finished, tap Done, then tap Insert Drawing.
  6. To resume work on a drawing, tap the drawing, then tap the Markup button.

 How to Send Email To iphone 

Address and send email in Mail on iPhone, how to text an email on iphone:

  1. In the Mail app, you can send email from any of your email accounts, mark addresses from outside certain domains, and more.
  2. Add recipients
  3. Tap in the To field, then type the names of recipients.
  4. As you type, Mail automatically suggests people from your Contacts, along with email addresses for the people who have more than one email address.
  5. You can also tap the Add Contact button to open Contacts and add recipients from there.
  6. If you’re sending a copy, tap the Cc/Bcc field.
  7. Tap in the Cc field, then enter the names of people you’re sending a copy to.
  8. Tap in the Bcc field, then enter the names of people whose names you don’t want other recipients to see.

Tip: After you enter recipients, you can reorder their names in the address fields, or drag them from one address field to another—for example, to the Bcc field if you decide you don’t want their names to appear. How to text an email on iphone.

  • Automatically send a copy to yourself
  • Go to Settings > Mail, then turn on Always Bcc Myself.
  • Add additional mail accounts
  • Go to Settings > Passwords & Accounts > Add Account > Other.
  • Tap Add Mail Account.
  • Enter your name, email address, and password, then tap Next.
  • Enter the names of the incoming and outgoing mail servers for your account and any other requested information.
  • Tap Save.

Customize your email signature, how to text an email on iphone:

You can customize the email signature that appears automatically at the bottom of every email you send.

  • Go to Settings > Mail > Signature.
  • Tap in the text field at the top of the screen, then edit your signature.
  • Tip: If you have more than one email account, tap Per Account to set a different signature for each account. How to text an email on iphone.
  • Send an email from a different account
  • If you have more than one email account, you can specify which account to send email from.
  • Tap the From field to choose an account.

Mark addresses outside certain domains, how to text an email on iphone:

When you’re addressing an email to a recipient who’s not in your organization’s domain, you can have the recipient’s name appear in red to alert you.

  • Go to Settings > Mail > Mark Addresses.
  • Enter the domains that are in your organization—ones that you don’t want marked in red.
  • You can enter multiple domains separated by commas (for example, “,”).
  • Any email sent to or from other domains is marked.

Reply to an email, how to text an email on iphone:

When you have an email open, you have a few options. You can reply, forward, delete an email, and more, how to text an email on iphone. Here’s how:

  1. Open the email.
  2. Tap the Reply button .
  3. Then choose to Reply or Reply All. You can also forward the email, move it to another mailbox, mark it as unread, and more.
  4. Use Quick Actions

Use Quick Actions to quickly reply, delete, or flag an email. Here’s how:

  • Open the email.
  • Swipe left to reply, flag, or delete. Or swipe right to mark the email as unread.
  • View an email in Mail on iPhone, how to text an email on iphone:
  • In the Mail app , you can preview some of the contents of an email without opening it.
  • A preview of an email in the Inbox showing the sender’s name, the time the email was sent, the subject line, and the first two lines of the email.
  • Preview an email and a list of options
  • In a mailbox list, touch and hold an email to preview its contents and see a list of options for replying, filing it, and more. See Perform quick actions on iPhone.

Show a longer preview, how to text and email on iphone:

In your mailbox lists, Mail displays two lines of text for each email by default. You can choose to see more lines of text without opening the email.

  • Go to Settings > Mail > Preview, then choose up to five lines.
  • Show the whole email
  • In the list of emails, tap the one you want to read.

 How to Send Text Conversation To Email Android 

As a communication tool, text messaging is up there at the top, how to text an email on iphone. Considering over 16 million text messages are transmitted every minute, it is easy to assume you have sent your fair share.

Whether it’s reaching out to family and friends, or work-related, texts are an easy and immediate method of connecting with others. While you may be quick to hit the send button in your messaging app.

There are a few occasions in which you might want to opt for sending your text messages to your email as well. Let’s take a closer look at a few situations, and go over the steps for forwarding a text without having to cut and paste on both Android and iOS devices.

 Sending Messages to Email Using an Android Device 

Using an Android to send your text messages to an email box is simple and only requires a few steps. Open your messaging app and select the conversation you want to send to email. Tap and hold the message until the options menu appears. Click Share. Choose your email app and fill in the recipient info and tap the Send arrow.

 Using an iOS Device to Forward Texts | How to Text an Email on iphone 

Forwarding individual messages to an email address using your iPhone is equally straightforward. Go into your iMessages and choose the text you want to forward. Press and hold the message until the options menu appears. Click More. Tap the circle next to each text or component of a message and click on the forward button. Enter the email address you want to send the message to and click the arrow once green.

Show the whole conversation, how to text an email on iphone:

  1. Go to Settings > Mail, then turn on Organize by Thread.
  2. To change how threads are displayed, you can also change other settings in Settings > Mail—such as Collapse Read Messages or Most Recent Message on Top.
  3. Search for and view email on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
  4. The Mail app makes it easy to find and keep track of your email. You can view group email messages in a thread, set up filters, search multiple mailboxes at once, and more.
  5. Get started, how to text an email on iphone:
  6. Make sure your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch has the latest version of iOS or iPadOS.
  7. Set up your email account on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.
  8. By default, your email account has a few different mailboxes. Learn how to move between your mailboxes and even different email accounts.

View group emails, how to text an email on iphone

An email thread combines all the responses from multiple recipients in a group email.

Tap to see a preview of the responses to the thread in your Inbox. Tap a response to open the email thread.

You can sort responses in your thread by most recent and keep the thread of email messages together, even if they’re in different mailboxes. Go to Settings > Mail, and tap Threading. Then choose how you want to organize your threads:

  • Organize by Thread: See all responses to an email combined in one thread. Turn off to see responses as individual email messages.
  • Collapse Read Messages: Collapse the email messages that you’ve already read in a thread.
  • Most Recent Message on Top: See the most recent response to an email at the top of the message thread. How to text an email on iphone
  • Complete Threads: See all your conversations in a thread together, including email messages that are in different mailboxes and sent email messages.

 imessage App For Windows 

Imessage app for windows, With the fresh updates to iMessage, many iPhone and other iDevice users want access to iMessage on their personal or workplace computers, so chatting with friends and family continues on all types of devices–at home and work.

Many of us iFolks have Apple computers so keeping up with iMessage is really easy, but there are also quite a few of us who have Windows PCs, at home and especially at work. So how do we get iMessage talking on ALL our machines. How to text an email on iphone.

You’d think Apple would have an online browser-based service for iMessage, so checking in no matter where we are is easy. But alas, there currently is no service for getting iMessages online! How to text an email on iphone.

The conventional thought is that Apple wants to keep its services limited to its own iDevices and Mac computers. That leaves millions of us, maybe even billions of us in the dark, unable to access iMessage when we are at work or using our home Windows PC.

Following these relatively straightforward steps makes it easier than ever to stay in contact with the people that matter most across your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Mac, and even your own Windows PC.

Search for “iMessage on PC” or something similar on the web, and you’ll discover many websites offering a handful of bad solutions for running iMessage on a Windows PC. Here’s why they don’t work. How to text an email on iphone.

Some websites recommend you use Chrome Remote Desktop or another remote desktop tool. Yes, if you have a Mac, you can leave that Mac running, access it remotely from a PC, and use the Messages app (or any other Mac app) over the remote desktop connection.

If you have a spare Mac lying around, this will work—but you probably don’t. This is a silly solution for almost everyone. The same websites recommend you download something called “iPadian,” which is an “iOS and iPad simulator.”

At first glance, it looks like a way to run the iPad’s iOS operating system on your desktop. But that’s deceiving. It isn’t an emulator—it’s a “simulator” that can’t actually run real iOS apps. You can’t run Messages or any other apps.

You can run some fake apps designed to look like an iPad. For this, the company behind iPadian charges money. If you own a Mac and have an Android phone, here’s a solution you can look into. AirMessage promises

“iMessage for Android,” and it delivers. It’s a little complicated, though, and involves conscripting a Mac you own to function as a server. How to text an email on iphone, here’s how it works: You need a Mac, where you’ll install the AirMessage server.

That Mac must remain running and connected to the internet at all times. You then install the AirMessage app on your Android phone. You can access iMessage through AirMessage on Android—your Mac does the heavy lifting; the AirMessage app communicates with it.

As the device that’s actually connected to iMessage, your Mac is just sending messages back and forth. For Mac owners with Android phones, AirMessage could be tempting. But you’ll want an always-on Mac with a stable internet connection. It’s an ordeal.

If you have an Android phone and a Windows PC, you can text from your PC with the Your Phone app built into Windows 10. That’s one of the big draws of Apple’s Messages app—if you have an iPhone, you can text with your Mac. How to text an email on iphone.

Well, if you have an Android phone, you can text from your Windows 10 PC. You can even text from your PC with people using Apple’s Messages app, assuming they have an iPhone. You’ll just be one of those “green bubble” people, and you won’t have access to iMessage features like group iMessages and screen effects.

While iMessage doesn’t work on Android or a Windows PC, many other text-messaging apps do. You could try to get your iMessage-using friends to switch to something like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, or any of the many other chat apps out there.

That may be a tall order if everyone else is using iMessage—but, in a mixed friend group with some iPhone users and some Android users, agreeing on a solution that everyone can use makes sense. How to text an email on iphone.


As a communication tool, text messaging is up there at the top, how to text an email on iphone. Considering over 16 million text messages are transmitted every minute, it is easy to assume you have sent your fair share. Whether it’s reaching out to family and friends, or work-related, texts are an easy and immediate method of connecting with others. While you may be quick to hit the send button in your messaging app.

How to text an email on iphone, you configure your e-mail account directly on your iPhone with a series of taps. Apple has been kind enough to insert the technical stuff needed to access some of the most used e-mail services. For the following e-mail services, you need to have your e-mail address and password handy: iCloud, MS-Exchange, Google Mail, Yahoo!, AOL and

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