RCA Universal Remote Codes Insignia & Program Instruction

This article brings to you all you need to know about RCA universal remote codes insignia, how to program remote for your Insignia TV. The whole process is fast simple and straight forward, so without much talking lets go straight to business.

 rca universal remote programing process 

Programing an RCA universal remote is pretty fast and straight forward. in the next section below i will guide you through a complete simple steps on how to program an RCA universal remote.

Follow the guide below to get started

  • Press down on the TV power button to switch it on.
  • Point the remote to the TV panel.
  • Now press and hold the TV button down.
  • Once the light is turned on, at the same time, press and hold the “On/Off” button until the light turns on again.
  • Press the Play on your remote for five seconds.
  • After this, your TV should turn off.
  • If the TV turns off, that means it’s working.

If it does not turn the TV off, press the Play or Slow button again. Repeat this process every five seconds until the device turns off. Below is the complete list of all the RCA Universal Remote Codes Insignia and they are totally different from One For All Universal Remote Codes.

  1. Admiral TV 1001 , 1046 , 1047 , 1083 , 1095 , 1173 , 1191 , 1211
  2. Abex TV 1172
  3. Admiral VCR 2001
  4. Advent TV 1005 , 1062 , 1219 , 1238 , 1291
  5. Adventura TV 1174
  6. Adventura VCR 2026
  7. Aiko TV 1016
  8. Aiko VCR 2027
  9. Aiwa DVD Player 3350
  10. Aiwa VCR 2026
  11. Akai TV 1002
  12. Akai VCR 2003 , 2005 , 2007 , 2008 , 2111 , 2112 , 2113 , 2119
  13. Allegro DVD Player 3516
  14. Alleron TV 1046 , 1047
  15. American Action TV 1038
  16. American High VCR 2021
  17. Amtron TV 1038
  18. Anam National TV 1003 , 1038 , 1192 , 1193 , 1194
  19. AOC TV 1004 , 1005 , 1006 , 1007 , 1082 , 1195 , 1196
  20. Apex DVD Player 3372 , 3374 , 3374 , 3608
  21. Apex TV 1236 , 1241 , 1287 , 1376
  22. Asha VCR 2013
  23. Audio Dynamics VCR 2009 , 2010
  24. Audiovox TV 1038
  25. Audiovox VCR 2014 , 2054
  26. Baysonic TV 1038
  27. Beaumark VCR 2012 , 2013
  28. Belcor TV 1004
  29. Bell & Howell TV 1001 , 1048 , 1049 , 1073 , 1083 , 1162
  30. Bell & Howell VCR 2011
  31. Broksonic DVD Player 3500 , 3600
  32. Broksonic TV 1000 , 1004 , 1250 , 1280
  33. Broksonic VCR 2012 , 2025 , 2131 , 2135 , 2235
  34. Brokwood TV 1004
  35. Calix VCR 2014 , 2054
  36. Candle TV 1004 , 1006 , 1008 , 1132 , 1174 , 1196
  37. Candle VCR 2013 , 2014 , 2015 , 2016 , 2017 , 2018 , 2019
  38. Canon VCR 2021 , 2022
  39. Capehart VCR 2020 , 2110
  40. Carnivale TV 1004
  41. Carver TV 1062
  42. Carver VCR 2062
  43. CCE VCR 2027 , 2061
  44. Celebrity TV 1002
  45. Celera TV 1236
  46. Changhong TV 1236
  47. Cineral TV 1016 , 1190
  48. Citizen TV 1004 , 1006 , 1008 , 1016 , 1038 , 1105 , 1132 , 1171 , 1196
  49. Citizen VCR 2013 , 2014 , 2015 , 2016 , 2017 , 2018 , 2019 , 2027 , 2054
  50. Clarion TV 1038
  51. Colortyme TV 1004 , 1006 , 1010 , 1196 , 1200
  52. Colortyme VCR 2009
  53. Colt VCR 2061
  54. Contec/Cony TV 1012 , 1013 , 1038 , 1063
  55. Craig TV 1038
  56. Craig VCR 2013 , 2014 , 2023 , 2054 , 2061
  57. Crosley TV 1000 , 1062
  58. Crown TV 1038 , 1062 , 1130 , 1171
  59. Curtis Mathes TV 1000 , 1004 , 1006 , 1015 , 1048 , 1049 , 1073 , 1105, 1162 , 1171 , 1196 , 1212
  60. Curtis Mathes VCR 2000 , 2009 , 2013 , 2016 , 2018 , 2021 , 2022 , 2024 ,2083 , 2086 , 2087 , 2089 , 2091 , 2115
  61. CXC TV 1038
  62. Cyberhome DVD Player 3410
  63. Cybernex VCR 2013
  64. Daewoo DVD Player 3375 , 3536 , 3613
  65. Daewoo TV 1004 , 1005 , 1006 , 1016 , 1017 , 1082 , 1127 , 1171 , 1190 , 1196 , 1202 , 1274 , 1450
  66. Daewoo VCR 2015 , 2017 , 2019 , 2025 , 2026 , 2027 , 2028 , 2110,2174 , 2251
  67. Daytron TV 1004 , 1006 , 1171 , 1196
  68. Daytron VCR 2061 , 2110
  69. DBX VCR 2009 , 2010
  70. Denon TV 1135
  71. Dimensia TV 1000 , 1212
  72. Dimensia VCR 2000 , 2083 , 2086 , 2089
  73. Dumont TV 1004 , 1151 , 1196 , 1217
  74. Durabrand TV 1004 , 1038
  75. Dynatech TV 1004
  76. Dynatech VCR 2026
  77. Electroband TV 1002
  78. Electrohome TV 1000 , 1002 , 1003 , 1004 , 1006 , 1019 , 1020 , 1022 , 1064 , 1196
  79. Electrohome VCR 2014 , 2029 , 2054
  80. Electrophonic VCR 2014
  81. Emerson DVD Player 3376 , 3377 , 3501 , 3533
  82. Emerson TV 1004 , 1006 , 1012 , 1023 , 1024 , 1025 , 1026 , 1027 ,1028 , 1029 , 1030 , 1031 , 1032 , 1033 , 1034 , 1035 , 1036 , 1037 , 1038 ,1039 , 1041 , 1042 , 1043 , 1044 , 1046 , 1047 , 1048 , 1049 , 1073 , 1123 , 1124 , 1162 , 1171 , 1177 , 1179 , 1191 , 1196 , 1208
  83. Emerson VCR 2003 , 2007 , 2012 , 2014 , 2015 , 2021 , 2024 , 2025, 2026 , 2029 , 2030 , 2031 , 2032 , 2033 , 2034 , 2036 , 2037 , 2038 , 2039 ,2040 , 2041 , 2042 , 2044 , 2045 , 2046 , 2047 , 2054 , 2065 , 2105 , 2113 , 2116 , 2117 , 2130 , 2136 , 2181 , 2149
  84. Envision TV 1004 , 1006 , 1196
  85. Fisher TV 1048 , 1049 , 1051 , 1073 , 1162 , 1180
  86. Fisher VCR 2011 , 2023 , 2048 , 2049 , 2050 , 2051 , 2052 , 2118
  87. Fuji VCR 2021 , 2119
  88. Fujitsu TV 1046 , 1047
  89. Funai DVD Player 3377
  90. Funai TV 1038 , 1046 , 1047 , 1189
  91. Funai VCR 2026
  92. Futuretec TV 1038
  93. Garrard VCR 2026
  94. Gateway TV 1242
  95. GE DVD Player 3160 , 3370 , 3378
  96. GE TV 1000 , 1003 , 1004 , 1006 , 1022 , 1052 , 1054 , 1055 , 1064 , 1087 , 1100 , 1164 , 1165 , 1166 , 1167 , 1168 , 1181 , 1196 , 1212 ,1213 , 1233
  97. GE VCR 2000 , 2013 , 2021 , 2022 , 2053 , 2083 , 2086 , 2087 ,2089 , 2091 , 2115 , 2120
  98. Gilbralter TV 1004 , 1151
  99. Go Video DVD Player 3502 , 3525
  100. Go Video VCR 2134 , 2147 , 2150 , 2152 , 2155 , 2157 , 2159 , 2237
  101. Goldstar TV 1004 , 1005 , 1006 , 1012 , 1019 , 1056 , 1057 , 1058 ,1082 , 1155 , 1156 , 1171 , 1172 , 1196
  102. Goldstar VCR 2009 , 2014 , 2018 , 2054 , 2057
  103. Gradiente TV 1239
  104. Gradiente VCR 2026
  105. Grundy TV 1038 , 1046 , 1047 , 1171
  106. Grunpy TV 1038
  107. Hallmark TV 1004 , 1006 , 1196
  108. Harley Davidson VCR 2026
  109. Harman Kardon TV 1062
  110. Harman Kardon VCR 2009
  111. Harvard TV 1038
  112. Harwood VCR 2061
  113. Havermy TV 1173
  114. Headquarter VCR 2011
  115. Hello Kitty TV 1190
  116. Hi-Q VCR 2023
  117. Hisense TV 1237
  118. Hitachi DVD Player 3351 , 3379 , 3532
  119. Hitachi TV 1004 , 1006 , 1012 , 1013 , 1059 , 1060 , 1061 , 1063 , 1135 , 1136 , 1137 , 1138 , 1139 , 1140 , 1141 , 1142 , 1143 , 1144 , 1145 ,1146 , 1148 , 1150 , 1179 , 1185 , 1196 , 1198 , 1199 , 1449
  120. Hitachi VCR 2026 , 2055 , 2056 , 2057 , 2084 , 2107 , 2111 , 2120 , 2149 , 2168
  121. IMA TV 1038
  122. Infinity TV 1062 , 1130
  123. Instant Replay VCR 2021
  124. Inteq TV 1151
  125. Janeil TV 1174
  126. JBL DVD Player 3251
  127. JBL TV 1062 , 1130
  128. JC Penney TV 1000 , 1004 , 1005 , 1006 , 1008 , 1013 , 1022 , 1052 ,1054 , 1055 , 1057 , 1058 , 1063 , 1064 , 1072 , 1082 , 1087 , 1100 , 1104 ,1105 , 1109 , 1132 , 1166 , 1167 , 1171 , 1172 , 1181 , 1196 , 1201 , 1203 ,1207 , 1212 , 1233
  129. JC Penney VCR 2009 , 2010 , 2011 , 2012 , 2013 , 2014 , 2021 , 2022 , 2051 , 2054 , 2055 , 2056 , 2060 , 2061 , 2062 , 2084 , 2107 , 2118
  130. JCB TV 1002
  131. JCL VCR 2021
  132. Jensen TV 1004 , 1006 , 1196
  133. Jensen VCR 2055 , 2056 , 2084 , 2111
  134. JVC DVD Player 3161 , 3252 , 3352 , 3273 , 3386 , 3415 , 3416 , 3421 , 3422 , 3432 , 3449 , 3459 , 3460 , 3461 , 3462 , 3464 , 3465 , 3467 , 3468 , 3503 , 3529 , 3606
  135. JVC TV 1012 , 1013 , 1054 , 1055 , 1060 , 1063 , 1065 , 1066 ,1067 , 1123 , 1157 , 1158 , 1159 , 1182 , 1239 , 1269 , 1285 , 1393 , 1396 ,1430
  136. JVC VCR 2009 , 2010 , 2011 , 2018 , 2111 , 2123 , 2138 , 2171 ,2262
  137. Kawasho TV 1002 , 1004 , 1006 , 1196
  138. KEC TV 1038
  139. Kenwood DVD Player 3380
  140. Kenwood TV 1004 , 1006 , 1019 , 1196
  141. Kenwood VCR 2009 , 2010 , 2011 , 2016 , 2018 , 2111 , 2123
  142. KLH TV 1236 , 1241
  143. KLH VCR 2061
  144. Kloss Novabeam TV 1038 , 1068 , 1069 , 1174 , 1183
  145. Kodak VCR 2014 , 2021 , 2054
  146. Konka DVD Player 3353 , 3354
  147. Koss DVD Player 3253 , 3254
  148. KTV TV 1038 , 1070 , 1171 , 1177
  149. Lasonic DVD Player 3382
  150. LG TV 1005 , 1082 , 1196
  151. LG VCR 2014 , 2054
  152. Lloyd VCR 2026
  153. Loewe TV 1062 , 1130
  154. Logik TV 1001 , 1083
  155. Logik VCR 2061
  156. Luxman TV 1004 , 1006 , 1196
  157. LXI TV 1000 , 1006 , 1048 , 1049 , 1062 , 1071 , 1072 , 1073 ,1100 , 1109 , 1130 , 1162 , 1181 , 1196 , 1203 , 1207 , 1212 , 1233
  158. LXI VCR 2014 , 2054
  159. Magnavox DVD Player 3162 , 3383 , 3427 , 3478 , 3496 , 3258
  160. Magnavox TV 1004 , 1006 , 1008 , 1019 , 1062 , 1068 , 1069 , 1075 , 1076 , 1077 , 1088 , 1130 , 1131 , 1132 , 1133 , 1134 , 1183 , 1196 , 1219 , 1235 , 1271 , 1273 , 1291 , 1370 , 1377
  161. Magnavox VCR 2021 , 2022 , 2062 , 2063 , 2104 , 2105 , 2108 , 2124 ,2160 , 2248 , 2264
  162. Magnin VCR 2013
  163. Majestic TV 1001 , 1083
  164. Marantz TV 1004 , 1006 , 1059 , 1062 , 1078 , 1130 , 1196 , 1199
  165. Marantz VCR 2009 , 2010 , 2011 , 2016 , 2018 , 2021 , 2022 , 2062 ,2064 , 2076
  166. Marta VCR 2014
  167. Matsushita TV 1170
  168. Matsushita VCR 2021
  169. Megatron TV 1006 , 1059 , 1196 , 1199
  170. MEI VCR 2021
  171. Memorex DVD Player 3384
  172. Memorex TV 1001 , 1005 , 1006 , 1046 , 1047 , 1048 , 1049 , 1073 ,1082 , 1083 , 1162 , 1191 , 1196
  173. Memorex VCR 2001 , 2011 , 2013 , 2014 , 2021 , 2023 , 2026 , 2031 , 2054 , 2104 , 2130
  174. MGA TV 1004 , 1005 , 1006 , 1019 , 1022 , 1051 , 1064 , 1079 , 1080 , 1082 , 1196
  175. MGA VCR 2029 , 2065 , 2113
  176. MGN Tech. VCR 2013
  177. Midland TV 1054 , 1055 , 1100 , 1151 , 1171 , 1172 , 1181 , 1217 ,1233
  178. Midland VCR 2053
  179. Minolta VCR 2055 , 2056 , 2084 , 2107
  180. Mintek DVD Player 3385
  181. Minutz TV 1052
  182. Mitsubishi DVD Player 3163
  183. Mitsubishi TV 1004 , 1005 , 1006 , 1019 , 1022 , 1051 , 1064 , 1079 ,1080 , 1081 , 1082 , 1125 , 1135 , 1196
  184. Mitsubishi VCR 2029 , 2055 , 2056 , 2065 , 2066 , 2067 , 2068 , 2069 ,2070 , 2071 , 2072 , 2073 , 2074 , 2084 , 2106 , 2113 , 2123
  185. Montgomery Ward TV 1001 , 1083
  186. Montgomery Ward VCR 2001 , 2075
  187. Motorola TV 1003 , 1173
  188. Motorola VCR 2001 , 2021
  189. MTC TV 1004 , 1005 , 1006 , 1082 , 1105 , 1196
  190. MTC VCR 2013 , 2026
  191. Multitech TV 1038
  192. Multitech VCR 2013 , 2016 , 2026 , 2053 , 2061
  193. Multivision TV 1084
  194. NAD DVD Player 3376
  195. NAD TV 1006 , 1071 , 1072 , 1109 , 1136 , 1185 , 1196 , 1207
  196. NEC TV 1003 , 1004 , 1005 , 1006 , 1010 , 1082 , 1196 , 1200
  197. NEC VCR 2009 , 2010 , 2011 , 2016 , 2018 , 2064 , 2076 , 2078 , 2079 , 2111 , 2123
  198. Nikko TV 1006 , 1016 , 1196
  199. Nikko VCR 2014 , 2054
  200. Noblex VCR 2013
  201. Norcent DVD Player 3386
  202. NTC TV 1016
  203. Olympus VCR 2021
  204. Onkyo DVD Player 3255 , 3268 , 3387
  205. Onwa TV 1038
  206. Optimus TV 1136 , 1185
  207. Optimus VCR 2001 , 2014 , 2054
  208. Optonica TV 1095 , 1173
  209. Optonica VCR 2096
  210. Orion TV 1030 , 1035 , 1191 , 1208
  211. Orion VCR 2000 , 2031 , 2086 , 2089 , 2130
  212. Oritron DVD Player 3253 , 3254 , 3392
  213. Panasonic DVD Player 3256 , 3257 , 3264 , 3300 , 3388 , 3442 , 3456 , 3458 –
  214. 3463 , 3469 , 3520 , 3537 , 3607
  215. Panasonic TV 1003 , 1054 , 1055 , 1062 , 1109 , 1130 , 1170 , 1246 , 1253 , 1275 , 1277 , 1286 , 1289 , 1350 , 1389 , 1392 , 1406 , 1418 , 1419
  216. Panasonic VCR 2021 , 2022 , 2109 , 2125 , 2126 , 2127 , 2158 , 2167 , 2244 , 2259 , 2265 , 2266 , 2273
  217. Pentax VCR 2016 , 2055 , 2056 , 2084 , 2107 , 2120
  218. Pentex Research VCR 2018
  219. Philco TV 1003 , 1004 , 1005 , 1006 , 1008 , 1012 , 1019 , 1062 , 1068 , 1069 , 1075 , 1077 , 1082 , 1088 , 1130 , 11132 , 1134 , 1183 , 1196
  220. Philco VCR 2021 , 2022 , 2062 , 2063
  221. Philips DVD Player 3162 , 3258 , 3356 , 3383 , 3389 , 3479 , 3480 , 3483 , 3484 , 3486 , 3488 , 3489 , 3490 , 3491 , 3497 , 3498 , 3504 , 3531 , 3607 ,3612
  222. Philips TV 1003 , 1004 , 1008 , 1012 , 1019 , 1062 , 1068 , 1069 , 1075 , 1086 , 1087 , 1088 , 1130 , 1132 , 1134 , 1167 , 1183 , 1196 , 1219 , 1235 , 1268 , 1273 , 1291 , 1292 , 1370 , 1377 , 1382 , 1386 , 1390 , 1407 , 1426 , 1434
  223. Philips VCR 2021 , 2022 , 2062 , 2096 , 2124 , 2139 , 2176 , 2180 , 2245 , 2264 , 2269
  224. Pilot TV 1004 , 1171 , 1196
  225. Pilot VCR 2014
  226. Pioneer DVD Player 3165 , 3259 , 3390 , 3391 , 3470 , 3492 , 3493 , 3494
  227. Pioneer TV 1004 , 1006 , 1090 , 1091 , 1092 , 1136 , 1179 , 1185 , 1196
  228. Pioneer VCR 2010 , 2055 , 2080 , 2081 , 2123
  229. Polaroid DVD Player 3534
  230. Polaroid TV 1434 , 1426
  231. Polaroid VCR 2182
  232. Portland TV 1004 , 1005 , 1006 , 1016 , 1082 , 1171 , 1196
  233. Portland VCR 2016 , 2017 , 2019 , 2110
  234. Price Club TV 1105
  235. Prima TV 1238
  236. Prism TV 1054 , 1055
  237. PROSCAN DVD Player 3160 , 3370 , 3499
  238. Proscan TV 1000 , 1100 , 1181 , 1203 , 1212 , 1233
  239. PROSCAN VCR 2000 , 2083 , 2086 , 2089
  240. Protec VCR 2061
  241. Proton TV 1004 , 1006 , 1012 , 1093 , 1196
  242. Pulsar TV 1004 , 1151 , 1196 , 1217
  243. Pulsar VCR 2104
  244. Quarter VCR 2011
  245. Quartz VCR 2011
  246. Quasar TV 1003 , 1054 , 1055 , 1070 , 1109 , 1170
  247. Quasar VCR 2021 , 2022 , 2125 , 2244
  248. Qwestar DVD Player 3392
  249. Radio Shack TV 1000 , 1048 , 1049 , 1073 , 1162 , 1212
  250. Radio Shack/Realistic TV 1000 , 1004 , 1006 , 1012 , 1038 , 1048 , 1049 , 1073 , 1095 , 1162 , 1171 , 1172 , 1196
  251. RadioShack VCR 2001 , 2014 , 2050 , 2054 , 2096
  252. RadioShack/Realistic VCR 2011 , 2013 , 2014 , 2021 , 2022 , 2023 , 2026 , 2029 ,2049 , 2050 , 2054 , 2096
  253. Radix VCR 2014
  254. Randex VCR 2014
  255. RCA DVD Player 3160 , 3161 , 3302 , 3370 , 3371 , 3393 , 3409 , 3477 ,3505 , 3517 , 3601 , 3604
  256. RCA TV 1000 , 1003 , 1004 , 1005 , 1006 , 1007 , 1019 , 1054 , 1055 , 1082 , 1096 , 1098 , 1099 , 1100 , 1101 , 1102 , 1103 , 1129 , 1179 ,1181 , 1188 , 1190 , 1196 , 1202 , 1203 , 1212 , 1215 , 1233 , 1257 , 1258 ,1266 , 1278 , 1279 , 1281 , 1286 , 1352
  257. RCA VCR 2000 , 2003 , 2007 , 2013 , 2021 , 2022 , 2055 , 2056 ,2082 , 2083 , 2084 , 2085 , 2086 , 2087 , 2088 , 2089 , 2090 , 2091 , 2100 ,2107 , 2115 , 2120 , 2125 , 2140 , 2173 , 2184 , 2250 , 2252 , 2253 , 2261
  258. Realistic TV 1049 , 1073 , 1162 , 1212 , 1000
  259. Realistic VCR 2001 , 2011 , 2013 , 2014 , 2015 , 2021 , 2022 , 2023 , 2026 , 2029 , 2049 , 2050 , 2054 , 2096
  260. Ricoh VCR 2128
  261. Runco TV 1151 , 1217
  262. Runco VCR 2104
  263. Sampo TV 1004 , 1006 , 1171 , 1172 , 1196 , 1242
  264. Samsung DVD Player 3308 , 3394 , 3471 , 3506 , 3519 , 3521 , 3525
  265. Samsung TV 1004 , 1005 , 1006 , 1012 , 1013 , 1015 , 1017 , 1019 , 1082 , 1104 , 1105 , 1106 , 1171 , 1172 , 1196 , 1201 , 1204 , 1252 , 1375 ,1378 , 1387 , 1436 , 1444 , 1445 , 1446
  266. Samsung VCR 2005 , 2013 , 2015 , 2033 , 2053 , 2112 , 2141,. 2147 , 2157 , 2159 , 2164 , 2237 , 2238 , 2250 , 2275
  267. Sanky VCR 2001 , 2104
  268. Sansei TV 1190
  269. Sansui DVD Player 3600
  270. Sansui TV 1191 , 1208 , 1282 , 1284 , 1290
  271. Sansui VCR 2010 , 2092 , 2031 , 2111 , 2123 , 2130
  272. Sanyo DVD Player 3359 , 3508 , 3518
  273. Sanyo TV 1004 , 1048 , 1049 , 1073 , 1080 , 1107 , 1162 , 1169 , 1180 , 1196
  274. Sanyo VCR 2011 , 2013 , 2023 , 2146
  275. Scotch TV 1006 , 1196
  276. Scott TV 1004 , 1006 , 1012 , 1024 , 1035 , 1038 , 1046 , 1047 , 1196
  277. Scott VCR 2012 , 2015 , 2025 , 2032 , 2038 , 2065 , 2116
  278. Sears TV 1000 , 1004 , 1006 , 1013 , 1019 , 1046 , 1047 , 1048 , 1049 , 1051 , 1063 , 1066 , 1071 , 1072 , 1073 , 1100 , 1109 , 1110 , 1162 ,1180 , 1181 , 1189 , 1196 , 1203 , 1207 , 1212 , 1233
  279. Sears VCR 2000 , 2011 , 2014 , 2021 , 2023 , 2026 , 2028 , 2048 , 2049 , 2050 , 2051 , 2054 , 2055 , 2056 , 2084 , 2086 , 2089 , 2107 , 2118
  280. Semivox TV 1038
  281. Semp Toshiba TV 1236
  282. Sharp DVD Player 3398 , 3399 , 3310 , 3400 , 3401 , 3522
  283. Sharp TV 1004 , 1006 , 1012 , 1026 , 1029 , 1095 , 1111 , 1112 , 1113 , 1122 , 1171 , 1173 , 1196 , 1261 , 1265 , 1357 , 1372 , 1423 , 1437 ,1443 , 1447
  284. Sharp VCR 2001 , 2017 , 2029 , 2094 , 2095 , 2096 , 2097 , 2175 ,2254 , 2260 , 2276
  285. Sheng Chia TV 1173
  286. Shintom VCR 2056 , 2061 , 2084 , 2098 , 2119
  287. Shogun TV 1004 , 1196
  288. Shogun VCR 2013
  289. Signature TV 1001 , 1083 , 1173
  290. Signature VCR 2001
  291. Singer VCR 2021 , 2061 , 2128
  292. Sony DVD Player 3166 , 3261 , 3269 , 3270 , 3271 , 3272 , 3360 , 3361 ,3404 , 3518
  293. Sony TV 1002 , 1205 , 1216 , 1218 , 1243 , 1435 , 1459
  294. Sony VCR 2098 , 2099 , 2119 , 2154 , 2161 , 2263
  295. Soundesign TV 1004 , 1006 , 1008 , 1038 , 1046 , 1047 , 1132 , 1196
  296. Starlite TV 1038
  297. STSVCR 2021 , 2107
  298. Supre-Macy TV 1174
  299. Supreme TV 1002
  300. Sylvania DVD Player 3303 , 3377
  301. Sylvania TV 1004 , 1006 , 1008 , 1019 , 1062 , 1068 , 1069 , 1075 , 1076 , 1077 , 1088 , 1116 , 1130 , 1132 , 1134 , 1161 , 1183 , 1189 , 1196 ,1353
  302. Sylvania VCR 2021 , 2022 , 2026 , 2062 , 2063 , 2065 , 2124 , 2268
  303. Symphonic TV 1026 , 1029 , 1033 , 1038 , 1046 , 1047 , 1155 , 1189
  304. Symphonic VCR 2026 , 2168 , 2149
  305. Tandy TV 1173
  306. Tandy VCR 2011
  307. Tashiko TV 1072
  308. Tashiko VCR 2014 , 2054
  309. Tatung TV 1003
  310. Tatung VCR 2111
  311. Teac VCR 2026 , 2085 , 2111
  312. Technics TV 1054 , 1055
  313. Technics VCR 2021 , 2109
  314. Techwood TV 1004 , 1006 , 1054 , 1055 , 1196
  315. Teknika TV 1001 , 1004 , 1005 , 1006 , 1008 , 1012 , 1013 , 1016 ,1038 , 1046 , 1047 , 1063 , 1076 , 1082 , 1083 , 1105 , 1132 , 1170 , 1171 ,1196
  316. Teknika VCR 2014 , 2021 , 2022 , 2026 , 2054 , 2100 , 2129
  317. Telecaption TV 1117
  318. Tera TV 1004 , 1012 , 1093
  319. TMK TV 1004 , 1006 , 1196
  320. TMK VCR 2013 , 2024 , 2047
  321. TNCi TV 1151
  322. Toshiba DVD Player 3162 , 3167 , 3274 , 3307 , 3309 , 3362 , 3363 , 3406 ,3407 , 3527 , 3528 , 3611 , 3600
  323. Toshiba TV 1000 , 1048 , 1049 , 1071 , 1072 , 1073 , 1105 , 1109 ,1117 , 1118 , 1160 , 1161 , 1162 , 1190 , 1201 , 1207 , 1256 , 1262 , 1282 ,1284 , 1287 , 1290 , 1356 , 1358 , 1374 , 1379 , 1380 , 1438 , 1451 , 1453 ,1455 , 1280
  324. Toshiba VCR 2015 , 2049 , 2051 , 2055 , 2065 , 2113 , 2116 , 2118 ,2156 , 2169 , 2170 , 2246 , 2256 , 2274 , 2277
  325. Totevision TV 1171
  326. Totevision VCR 2013 , 2014 , 2054
  327. TVS TV 1191
  328. Unitech VCR 2013
  329. Universal TV 1052 , 1087 , 1166 , 1167
  330. Vector Research TV 1004
  331. Vector Research VCR 2009 , 2010 , 2015 , 2016
  332. Venturer DVD Player 3262
  333. Victor TV 1066 , 1182
  334. Victor VCR 2010
  335. Video Concepts VCR 2009 , 2010 , 2015 , 2016 , 2113
  336. Videosonic VCR 2013
  337. Vidikron TV 1062
  338. Vidtech TV 1004 , 1005 , 1006 , 1196
  339. ViewSonic TV 1242
  340. Viking TV 1174
  341. Wards TV 1000 , 1001 , 1004 , 1005 , 1006 , 1019 , 1024 , 1033 ,1046 , 1047 , 1052 , 1062 , 1068 , 1069 , 1075 , 1076 , 1082 , 1083 , 1087 ,1088 , 1095 , 1119 , 1120 , 1130 , 1134 , 1166 , 1167 , 1173 , 1183 , 1196 ,1212
  342. Wards VCR 2001 , 2013 , 2014 , 2015 , 2021 , 2022 , 2023 , 2026 ,2029 , 2054 , 2055 , 2056 , 2061 , 2084 , 2088 , 2090 , 2096 , 2101 , 2102 ,2103 , 2107 , 2116
  343. Waycon TV 1236
  344. White Westinghouse TV 1000 , 1001 , 1190 , 1191
  345. Xbox DVD Player 3160
  346. XR-1000 VCR 2021 , 2026 , 2061
  347. Yamaha DVD Player 3258
  348. Yamaha TV 1004 , 1005 , 1006 , 1019 , 1082 , 1196
  349. Yamaha VCR 2009 , 2010 , 2011 , 2018 , 2111
  350. Zenith DVD Player 3364 , 3408 , 3516 , 3535
  351. Zenith TV 1000 , 1001 , 1004 , 1051 , 1083 , 1151 , 1152 , 1153 ,1154 , 1196 , 1210 , 1217 , 1424 , 1427 , 1428 , 1449 , 1463 , 1464
  352. Zenith VCR 2026 , 2098 , 2104 , 2119 , 2128 , 2130 , 2151 , 2183

 Can you get Netflix on Insignia TV? 

Insignia TV recently stepped up and added a whole bunch of new features to the TV box. One of the most fascinating feature is the wifi connectivity and secondly the ability to use universal remote.

I want to answer the question “can you get Netflix on Insignia TV” because of this i will only talk about the wifi feature. The wifi feature allows connection to home network or any kind of mobile hotspot.

This also provide internet connection thereby allowing users to be able to stream movies online. Netflix is available on Insignia TVs and Blu-ray players in the United States and Canada.

 Is insignia made by Samsung? 

The screen panel themselves are made by Samsung. The rest of the TV is built/assembled by various manufacturers. Insignia brand is a Best Buy house made tv, but is is made up of LG parts mostly last year’s LG parts. Insignia is Best Buy’s house brand.

 Can I use Insignia TV without remote? 

If you know Insignia TV from back in the day then you should know that you there used to be no room for remotes. Insignia TV used to be all manual system.

Well story is not the same today, Insignia TV now comes without local control. This implies that the use of remote controls is the only way to use the system.

Well there multiple options as to which you wish to use as Insignia TV now supports remote controls from mobile apps. The Roku app will allow you to use a smartphone or tablet to control your TV.

I see the smart phone as more classic method than that of the traditional remote control, but you can still use a tradition remote if you want. if you want a true remote you will have to use a universal remote control unit, such as an Insignia remote or a third-party controller.

 Can Insignia TV connect to wifi? 

Wifi connectivity feature is another feature that has being added to Insignia TV. Now you can simply connect to your home’s hotspot network and watch movies series online on you Insignia TV box.

  1. Take your Roku remote and press home.
  2. Scroll using arrows on the remote to find Settings.
  3. Then select Network from the Settings menu.
  4. Next press Wireless (Wi-Fi).
  5. Select Set up new Wi-Fi connection.

The feature is a really cool one and has bring more comfort to the system compared to how it used to be before. If you have one and you would want to connect it to your home wifi then follow the steps below to get started.

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