Ufone sms pack is a special text messaging offer for new and old Ufone subscribers. The sms package just like that of Airtel sms pack has been updated with plans like Ufone weekly and 15 days sms plan.
Just like other SMS network operators, the sms Ufone ms splan is activated with USSD code. It is actully not a hard thing to do, it is just like recharging your phone with normal airtime.
If you ever want to send bulk text messages to people at a cheap rate then Ufone is what you should consider. Ufone sms package is cheap and affordable and there more than 5 different plans suitable for your budgets.
In this article, you will learn all about ufone sms packages, ufone weekly package, ufone 15 days sms package. You will also learn an extra knowledge of how to activate the sms package and check balance with balance code.
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Before we start, i will like you to please go through some of my previous articles. You might be interested in knowing Airtel SMS pack code, Airtel free data codes and Airtel balance check code.
The text massaging plan, allows subscriber to send multiple sms to at an affordable rate. This sms plan can be used for different purpose be it business or personal consumption.
Without much talk lets go straight into what actually brought you here. In the subsequent paragraphs you learn more about Ufone basic sms packages available for you and your businesses.
Table of Contents
Ufone SMS Pack
Ufone sms pack, Just like i have mentioned in the paragraph before, it is a special plan for text messaging. The sms plan just that of Airtel is very effective and is he best to serve all your purposes of texting.
If you know about the SMS package before then you only need to be update to 2020 packages. The sms package is not new so you might have using it for a while but you still need to be updated about the latest basic plans.
Ufone now have Ufone weekly sms package, 15 days sms package and new activation codes. Below i will be stating out the latest Ufone sms packages and also the show you how to check Ufone sms balance.
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Ufone Daily SMS Packages | Ufone SMS package
Package Price Activation Code
Ufone Daily Rs. 4.77 SMS “Sub” to 605
Ufone Daily On-net Rs. 2 + tax SMS “Sub” to 611
Ufone Night SMS Package Rs. 1 SMS “Sub” to 609
Ufone Power Hour Rs. 6 Dial *99#
Above is a comprehensive list of all basic Ufone sms package available for subscription. You can easily select any of out of the listed packages that suits you budget and subscribe to it.
Not all the above packages prepaid, and are daily subscription packages only. Non of the sms plans are available for Ufone post paid subscribers. So enjoy it while lats.
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Ufone 15 Days SMS Package
Ufone 15 days sms package is the second to the least on the Ufone weekly package. The 15 days sms plan allows users to keep sending messages for 15 days as this is the validity time.
The 15 days Ufone sms pack, subscribers can send up to 10,000 text messages to any network. This texts message plan only costs Rs.30 plus texes.
Unfortunately, nothing like 15 days sms pack ever existed. The only weekly sms package close to that is that of the 14 days sms pack which is valid for 14 days and sends 10,000 texts.
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If you want to enjoy to enjoy the 1 days sms package then just open your phone dial *626#. After dialing this code, wait for just few seconds to receive sms confirmation of the sms pack being activated.
The Ufone sms packages is not just about the 14 days plan, just that is the most prominent. Ufone has plan for 7 days and other mid week text massing plans too, some of which i will list below in a table.
Once you are on the right side of the law, the use of the sms package is without limits. Meaning within the valid period of 15 days, you use it relentlessly without restrictions.
If non of the listed weekly package works for you then please check the next cheap weekly plan. After then, we go to learn how to check Ufone sms balance with code for Ufone SMS package.
Ufone Monthly SMS Package
This is a monthly version of the Ufone sms package, this sms plan extends for period of 1 month. Unlike the 15 days Ufone weekly package, the monthly package allows you to send more than 1000 sms.
The package is available to users at and affordable price. SMS sent with the monthly plan is also at very cheap rate compared to the regular sms charges.
In the next paragraph, you will learn how to activate the Ufone monthly sms plan. Below is a list of comprehensive list of the division of various monthly plans available for you and your business.
Ufone Monthly SMS Packages
Package Price Activation Code
Ufone Monthly SMS Package Rs.80 SMS “sub” to 607
Ufone Super Card Rs. 520 Load Super Card With Value Of Rs. 520
Ufone Super Card Plus Rs.599 Load Ufone Super Card Worth Rs. 599
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It is good that you know that as a Ufone subscriber, you are eligible to any of the sms packages. You are as well given the privileged to chose among any of the plans ranging from daily to monthly sms package.
If you ever run out of sms credit then you should follow the same procedure to re subscribe. All you have to do is just select whether the daily, weekly or monthly sms plan.
Note there are terms and conditions applied to every Ufone user. All Ufone users, are expected to operate based on terms of services so that there would not be problem.
Peopple Also Ask
How can i susbcrbe Ufone package
Ufone sms package is no different from all other networks sms plans. So if for any reasons you want To activated or subscribe to Ufone, all you need is the right USSD code.
Just like that, if you have the right USSD codes you will be able to perform functions easily. I have talked about this before in the previous paragraphs but i will again now.
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So lets set this straight and get down to what brought you here right. Before activating any sms package, you need to be sure which is which plan you really want subscribe to.
For example you want to subscribe Ufone monthly sms package the activation process is different from the daily. Lets take the daily subscription as an example since it the most prominent among others.
If you want to subscribe Ufone dialy package, just SMS “Sub” to 605, this plan is the standard daily package. For Ufone night SMS package, it is a little bit different case all you need to do is SMS “Sub” to 609, the plan costs only Rs. 1.
- Ufone Daily Rs. 4.77 SMS “Sub” to 605
- Ufone Daily On-net Rs. 2 + tax SMS “Sub” to 611
- Ufone Night SMS Package Rs. 1 SMS “Sub” to 609
- Ufone Power Hour Rs. 6 Dial *99#
How can I subscribe for Ufone 15 days SMS package?
I have answered this before but i will answer it all over again now so read carefully. To subscribe Ufone 15 days package which technically does not exist, instead 14 days plan is what you need.
The 14 days sms package is the next after the standard weekly package so there is nothing like 15 days plan. If for any reason, you want to subscribe to the 14 days sms package, it is simple.
I will show you how to subscribe Ufone 15 days sms package, no i mean 1 days sms pack now. To subscribe to thid plan is also easy just do as i say in the nnext line.
- Go to your text message app
- Send U50 to 1213 and hit send button
What is the code of Ufone SMS package?
A single code for all subscription is not available, because Ufone is not rendering only one service. Now our question is what is the code of Ufone sms package, my answer the codes are many. Ufone SMS package
For example if you want to subscribe for daily sms package then you need the daily subscription code. To subscribe for Ufone daily plan, SMS “Sub” to 605, the plan costs only Rs. 4.77.
If Ufone monthly sms package is what you want then you gat it too, all you have to do is just SMS “sub” to 607. The plan costs only Rs. 80 and will be able to use it for the period of 30 days.
Ufone SMS balance check code | Ufone SMS package
For so many reasons you tend to check your balance for different reasons. Sometimes you just want to be sure about how much we have remaining our balance and some other times we do to clear certainty.
If you want to check Ufone balance you will need the Ufone balance check code. The single USSD balance code serves the purpose of checking both daily, weekly and monthly sms package.
So no need for worries of cramming too many USSD operation codes to know your Ufone balance. Not if you make any mistakes when dialing the USSD code or sending the massage, you will not be able to see your account balance.
lets get started with the process and cut all the long talks to save out time and energy. If you want to check your balance please follow the guides below to start the process
- Got to your text message app
- Type an empty sms body (meaning don’t write anything)
- Enter 606 in the recipients contact
- Now hit the send button
- Wait for about 3-5 seconds to receive an sms confirmation.
- You will be replied with your Ufone sms package balance after a while from Ufone
That is all you need to get started and checking of your sms package and plans. This code also works for Ufone daily activities.
How can I get free SMS from Ufone?
Technically you cannot get free sms from Ufone. Ufone is a very secured network providing company that does not take it’s clients privacy for granted so it does not have any loop holes.
Ufone does not give any space so there is not present trick that will help you send free sms on Ufone. I do have a method i will share with you now though.
My method of sending free sms on Ufone is a kind of sending a distress message. The process involves sending an empty message with flashing screen. Ufone SMS package
Whenever you send this kinda message, the recipient receives it as a flashing message just on the phones screen. The flashing screen will allow the recipient to understand that someone is actually trying to call him then he will return the call asap.
If you want to learn how i use this trick just follow the step by step guide below to get started.
- Head over to your phone message app
- Open the app
- Live the message body space empty
- Go to the recipient phone number area
- Now type 606 before the recipients number
- Then hit the send button to send the message
- Wait for the message to be delivered
Once the message has been delivered the recipient will get the flashing screen with empty message body then call you back. Well that is all for now and that is how to send free sms with Ufone sms package for weekly or monthly plan
Terms & Conditions Guiding Ufone SMS Bundles
- The Premium SMS or the SMS to other countries are not included in the SMS Buckets. Ufone SMS package
- The charges for international SMS are quite different.
- If you send the short code to 600 or 606, the standard charges of 5 paisa + tax will be applied.
- The above-discussed price of the packages does not include the GST.
- The daily SMS Packages are valid up to the midnight of the same day when you have subscribed.
- If you want to check the expiry date of your SMS Package and the remaining volume of SMS, just send a blank SMS to 606.
- Check the status of remaining SMS by sending an empty message to 706.
- Within 24 hours, you are allowed only one daily SMS package. However, if you want to get one daily and one weekly SMS package, it is allowed without freezing the first package.
Conclusion Ufone SMS package
I hope by now you should be able to activate any Ufone free sms package be it monthly daily or weekly. If you have any questions please use the comment box to ask, and don’t forget to share this article.
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